

June 22, 2023
at the Parc des Princes

General Program

Marketing, sales, content, customer relations... Discover all the speeches

Get inspired by the top experts in the marketing community

For 11 years, the BtoB Summit has become THE reference to meet and exchange with the main actors of BtoB marketing.

Discover the Exciting New Format of the 11th BtoB Summit

Get ready to experience a brand new format at the 11th edition of the BtoB Summit! This year, the event introduces the BtoB Marketing Zone, a cutting-edge experience designed exclusively for marketing professionals.

- Hosted by industry experts such as CMOs, LeadGen/ABM managers, and branding specialists, the BtoB Marketing Zone guarantees to offer exciting discussions, inspiring feedback, and ultra-targeted insights to take your marketing game to the next level.

- At this year's BtoB Summit, you get the opportunity to become an active player in the event during the new Connect & Exchange sessions, giving you the chance to network and showcase your own ideas.

- From best practices and innovative tactics to the latest MarTech innovations, the BtoB Marketing Zone is the perfect place to get inspired and learn new strategies to make marketing a REDOUTABLE engine of growth for your business.

- The BtoB Marketing Zone also provides unique networking opportunities to boost your business, helping you connect with other marketing professionals and expand your industry knowledge.

Share your experience and get inspired by the best at the BtoB Summit

- Discover innovative strategies and decisive levers through Connect & Exchange sessions and Business Cases

- Get out of your comfort zone and go for growth through inspiring Keynotes

- Learn about new MarTech tools to meet the challenges of attribution and lead generation

- Boost your competitiveness in a rapidly changing environment with new marketing techniques

- Develop your network and exchange with your peers in an exceptional setting.

Become an actor thanks to the Connect & Exchange sessions!

A unique experience to challenge your ideas and discover new areas of development
Thematic discussions and networking tables based on your issues and best practices from the BtoB Marketing & Sales community.
Connect & Exchange sessions allow you to get to know your peers and promote the sharing of best practices.

Dozens of "Marketing" themes

tailored to your specific needs.
ABM, DemandGen, LeadGen

- Implement an ABM strategy to target key accounts effectively
- Develop a digital prospecting strategy to generate leads and build a strong pipeline
- Implement a LeadGen strategy to nurture prospects and turn them into customers
- Utilize Artificial Intelligence for Marketing and Sales to improve efficiency and results
- Adapt your marketing and sales approach to market changes and trends
- Implement an omnichannel prospecting strategy to reach prospects on all platforms
- Combine conversational marketing and chat solutions to generate revenue quickly and effectively.
Content, Influence, UX

- Uncover the latest trends for a successful B2B influence strategy in 2023
- Get a grasp of the ins and outs of Social Selling in B2B
- Work on enhancing your brand and boosting your influence
- Learn the principles of Growth Hacking and how they can benefit your B2B business
- Keep up with the latest trends in B2B events
- Opt for engagement as the most effective influencer strategy
- Build customer loyalty and engagement through webinars
- Utilize your media brand for an effective inbound marketing strategy in B2B

- Create and develop your online marketplace to reach a wider audience and increase sales
- Select the right online payment  solution to ensure a smooth checkout process and build trust with      customers
- Optimize your supply chain for faster and more efficient delivery, reducing costs and improving customer      satisfaction
- Utilize SEO tactics to drive more traffic to your e-commerce website and improve your search engine rankings.
Customer Knowledge

- Gain insights from top CxOs on customer engagement and retention strategies
- Discover innovative ways to create memorable customer experiences
- Learn how to increase your conversion rate with qualified leads
- Tailor your marketing approach for small and medium-sized businesses and key accounts

Data and AI

- Stay ahead of the competition by analyzing the latest marketing innovations
- Develop a data quality strategy to ensure accurate insights
- Implement an intelligent data-driven strategy for more efficient decision-making
- Master your data management to unlock the full potential of your marketing activities
- Align your marketing strategy with available resources to achieve optimal results
- Utilize data as a prerequisite for a successful Account-Based Marketing (ABM) program

Interviews Before

Our partners

Tout est fait pour que vous repartiez avec des idées et solutions actionnables immédiatement ! 

Thanks a lot BtoB Leaders for the quality of the conferences, led by renowned experts. 

Ideal for meeting the marketing industry's most influential opinion leaders and sourcing business best practices (digital, AI, unified commerce, etc.) 

Justin Elan
Justin Elan
Une journée stimulante où les leaders d'opinion du secteur ont animé des conférences, des tables rondes et des sessions interactives autour des nouvelles tendances et perspectives du marketing. J'ai également eu l'occasion de partager des conversations enrichissantes avec des professionnels passionnés. 

J'en repars pleine d'inspiration et impatiente de pouvoir étudier ces nouvelles opportunités. 

Alexia Curtit
Alexia Curtit
Quelle belle journée au BtoB Summit 2023 ! 
Merveilleusement commencée par un arrosage de la pelouse du Parc des Princes et poursuivie par des échanges d'une rare élégance et dans le respect des règles du jeu (sans ballon).

Merci à celles et ceux qui ont nourri de belles conversations autour du marketing et des histoires que les marques devraient raconter !

Patrice Laubignat
Patrice Laubignat